Kansas Abolitionist Church Network

Christ-centered churches in Kansas that agree on the Principles Scripture gives us about what means we should take and what demands we should make in the pursuit of abolishing abortion.

One church, many churches

What Binds Us

Churches in this Network substantially agree on these unifying beliefs:

➸ That God’s Word is sufficient and inerrant
➸ That the 12 Principles of Abolitionism are true
➸ That ministry to the preborn is not something that should be outsourced or put off

Churches that find agreement on these things are very welcome to apply, and provided they are in Kansas and approved by leadership, they will be found below!

Lighthouse Baptist Church

Our HEadquarters

308 Lincoln Ave.
St. George, KS 66535

Church Affiliation FAQs

An Affiliate Church of AIM KS

1. Is located within the State of Kansas.
2. Has church leadership that, as a body, agrees with all of our 12 Principles of loving your preborn neighbor.
3. Believes that God’s Word as revealed in the 66 books of the Holy Scriptures is sufficient, inerrant, and perspicuous.
4. Believes that ministry to the preborn is not something to outsource or put off, but is the job of God’s Church and should be sought by her as urgently as the Spirit enables.
5. Is approved for affiliation by the unanimity of Leaders of AIM KS and the elder board of LBC.
6. Consents to continued affiliation on a biennial basis based on these descriptions.

Officially, none except continuing to meet the above qualifications. When someone wants to get connected to a good church or get involved in abolition ministry and they are in your area, we will try to connect them to you. As events and initiatives come around (like the Abolish Abortion Rally), we will ask if you are willing to get the word out with us and/or to join us there. But there are no “attendance requirements” or others of the sort.

Nope! If you’d like your church to be affiliated with AIM KS but not be on the map, just leave the box unchecked when asked in the application below.

Click here or keep scrolling!


Affiliate Church Application

Prayerfully answer the questions below, and we will get back to you shortly! If you are not an individual member of AIM KS yourself, make sure to consider becoming members as well!