“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” —2 Corinthians 9:7
Ways to Give
General Funds & Special Initiatives
The most important donations that we ask for are your time, effort, and prayer. You are the Kingdom’s most valuable earthly resource. And if the Spirit so leads you also to give of the money God has given you to steward, you have our word that it will go to the best use possible for advancing the Kingdom and abolishing abortion in Kansas.
Donate securely in less than a minute, one time or regularly.
If you prefer, you can also give offline in person at Lighthouse Baptist Church or by mailing a check.
1. Write your check out to “Lighthouse Baptist Church”
2. Write “AIM KS” in the memo
3. Mail your check to the address below:
Lighthouse Baptist Church
P.O. Box 109
St. George, KS 66535
Specific Giving Opportunities
Special Initiatives
God smashed our expectations with Media Production fund. Construction for the studio is nearly finished. Thank you all so much! Our next big project is the 2023 Abolish Abortion Rally at the Capitol. See you there?
When You Give
You have helped us create, serve, and give so much. Every time you give, you enable us to give freely and generously to every new abolitionist that needs booklets, pastors that need flyers and yard signs, families that wear any of our give-away apparel and stickers. We give away as much as we can, and it is thanks to you.
Countless stickers and posters and signs and shirts and cameras and microphones and travel expenses for mission trips and on and on
Thank You
See What It Goes To
“Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”
We are floored by what God has done already. We cannot slow down; we have the Spirit of God, so we can run and not grow weary, walk and not faint!
God is good. Let us see what He will do with our mustard seed of faith.
- Photos by Gabriel Sawyer