The Value Them Both Amendment (referred to as VTB; it can be found here) is intended to be an Amendment that those fighting for life can support. Kansans For Life and other groups support it. To most it seems cut and dry that Christians in Kansas should support this Amendment. But is it? No.
God would never refer to this amendment, an amendment that would make it legal to regulate what God calls an abomination, as “valuing them both.” But there is biblical language for what VTB actually stands for.
VTB: Very Twisted Bill
VTB purports to stand for Value Them Both, but it does not value the baby in the womb. It promotes unequal justice and is therefore committing the sin of partiality (James 2:8).
The intent of the those who voted for the bill may have been to save babies, but in the end it is voting for what hinders abolishing abortion. When it comes to justice it does not matter if our motives are noble. Every law created to “regulate” what God says to abolish is another brick in the wall that hinders abolishing it.
Proverbs 20:10 says, “Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” It does not say, “unequal measures are an abomination only if your motives are wrong.” Evil is evil even if you mean well. You are voting for evil if you vote to regulate what God says to abolish. To God, our “good intentions” in evil only display the hardness of our hearts toward His Word.
We are like the lawyer wanting to “justify himself” (Luke 10:29) when it came to his lack of love for his neighbor. We justify our sinful compromise by telling ourselves, “It’s a step in the right direction” or “the courts have ruled” but we have forgotten, God has already ruled and he hates the “hands the shed innocent blood” (Prov. 6:16-17).
Our allegiance belongs to the One who sent His Son Jesus to willing suffer the wrath of God for His people. Our compromising laws display that our allegiance is in the Supreme Court and not God. Legislators must stop submitting to wicked court rulings and submit to God. We must stop fearing the courts and “rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). Because VTB by no means does this, but in fact doubles down on partiality and submission to genocidal courts, VTB more accurately stands for Very Twisted Bill.
VTB: Viciousness To Babies
Voting in favor of VTB is giving Kansans the right to regulate murder, thereby giving approval to some murders. Deuteronomy 16:19 says “You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous.” The Value Them Both amendment perverts justice by showing partiality to the wicked. It provides the ability to regulate when a woman can murder her child. Regulating murder is a perversion of God’s Word on murder, and it provides safe cover for murderers to continue, treating the the evil person as more valuable than the innocent child in the womb. It protects the wicked and gives the death sentence to the innocent.
Psalm 82:2 poses the question rightly, “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?” The reason you fail to make head way in the fight against abortion is because the method is worldly and ungodly.
Pro-life laws help save lives like being an alcoholic helps save marriages. It numbs things. It makes you forget how bad they really are. It makes it seem like it’s getting better, but what it’s really doing is making sure it never gets better.
Pr. Josh Eaton
The reason abortion is still legal is because we have continued to resist submitting to God and instead made laws that include the legality of viciously tearing apart babies, limb from limb. The only way abortion will be abolished is by repenting and obeying God.
The only Biblical response to abortion is to demand it be abolished completely without exception or compromise. And the VTB Amendment certainly does not do that, therefore God sees VTB as Viciousness To Babies.
VTB: Veneration To Baal
“You shall say, ‘Hear the word of the LORD… Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I am bringing such disaster upon this place that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle. Because the people have forsaken me and have profaned this place by making offerings in it to other gods whom neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have known; and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into my mind—”
Jeremiah 19:3–5 (ESV)
Offering children to death is false worship. It is worship to false gods. It is not simply those participating in the act who have bowed the knee to Baal, it is also those voting to give approval of that evil act, because compromise and partial obedience are, by definition, complicity in disobedience. And disobedience to God is obedience to a false god. So VTB truly stands for Veneration To Baal. And approval of it is Veneration To Baal.
Some of you bemoan the ungodliness of the Supreme Court and the Kansas Supreme Court. But,
Moses did not simply bemoan Pharaoh.
The midwives did not bemoan Pharaoh.
Daniel did not just bemoan Nebuchadnezzar.
They defied them.
Tyrants don’t have tyrannical power because of who they are, but because people submit in fear of them.
Now this amendment before us creates a sub-human category for the unborn that says we can now regulate their death. We do not say that we can regulate the murder of any other humans! This amendment itself is capitulation to tyrant judges, such that obedience to them is disobedience to God.
If the Kansas Supreme Court will ignore the clear protection of humans in the current Bill of Rights, you can be sure that they will use the wording of this Amendment to the full extent of their murderous hearts. The language of our current Bill of Rights is strong enough. Right language is not the problem, rather it is the willingness of Christians to bow down to courts rather than God.
Where is the Moses who will not compromise? Pharaoh wanted to regulate letting the people go (Exodus 8:25-28; 10:24-26) but Moses demanded as God commanded. Will you demand it as God commanded?
Will the people of Kansas demand our legislators obey as God commanded? Legislators, will you risk not getting re-elected for the sake of the 7,000 babies slaughtered in our state each year? Your duty before God is to author an abolition bill (or co-sponsor one) and vote in favor of it every year until it’s passed.
The Truth of the Acronym
The VTB Amendment is a terrible, compromising, and sinful answer to a real problem, though it may not seem so on first reading. The real solution is for us to repent together of compromise and of fear of men.
Reject this Very Twisted Bill.
Reject Viciousness To Babies.
Reject Veneration To Baal.
Our legislative response must be to define a human as from fertilization to protect the innocent and not the guilty, and obey God’s Word, not lawless men.
It’s time we demand our legislators ignore Roe and completely abolish abortion without exception, without compromise, as God commands, once and for all.